Sunday, February 25, 2007

30 minute meals

I havent seen any TV show like this but I have heard (rather read about it)in one food blog and found some reference when I was searching for quick (I avoid saying fast food as it sounds me more of unhealthy food)regional recepies in one website'

Being quite busy nowadays, I liked this concept. I prefer homemade food ( as I know most our 30 minute meals are Pizzas from Pizza hut) so I searched a lot trying to find its indian version suitable for my toung and feasible for me.

I decided Aloo Paratha,Yogurt,Biryani and salad as our menu for the day.Three most important thing which helped me to speed up my cooking were readymade biryani masala,microwave and my hubby...... It took me more than one hour.....preparing for 4 persons....though food was very tasty.....I am trying to upload photos and recepies.....

But what made me write in foodblog was my search for quick,tasty,healthy indian recepies....

My search is still going on....

Do you have any suggestions?

Monday, February 19, 2007

My new Passion-Cooking

I was always a studious girl in school and college and therefore cooking was little bit on back seat till I got married.I used to cook occasionaly with generous admiration from my parents but when it came to day today business,it was really difficult for me....Then I started searching for new recepies on internet and my only wish was to prepare as tasty food as my MIL(mother in law)....soon I entered into the world of food bloggers and I am became so passionate about cooking that I used to spend hours reading food blogs and even trying those recepies with confident which I havent tasted anytime.....and to my surprise result was pretty good!

So I am starting my own foodblog now just to participate in different food events and keep my new passion alive and also try some photography and writing( other hidden interests with this....)

However,due to bit busy schedule this week,my plan is to start writing atleast about weekend cooking and few tips for NRI cooks...

One more thing I wish to mension,though I am fond of many food bloggers,Nupur from Onehot stove is my main inspiration and I take this opportunity to thank her for her help....
